Saturday 24 August 2013

Work from 2nd and 3rd year of college, 2009-2010.

By the end of 2nd year we had to do assignments which would enable us to take up electives of our choice. I wanted to take up illustration and hence I put the most effort into those. One of those assignments I still have. We had to merge two animals to create a bastardized fantastical creature. I did what I could, which was sucky. Oh well.

Dog balls O.O...Anyway, here are some of the assignments from 3rd year.

a book cover, this was one of the more interesting ones.


An awareness campaign for the Reserve Bank of India Monetary Museum. ZZZZ...

 Comic pages, I went a little overboard here. 

 An ad campaign for a sports shoe brand.

 In the end of 3rd year we had to do an illustration project with atleast 6 pages of Illustrations. Here is what I did for that project.

Have you heard the story of a little boy of nine?
A tale that is true, not just a fable of mine?
People thought, 'this little boy is odd',
but he didn't seem to mind at all.
'Cause he knew he was special, one day it would show,
as he felt a power inside him steadily grow.

  • He wanted nothing more than to fly,
    fast through the clear blue sky.
    'If you wish for things they come true',
    this is what the little boy knew.
    So like every night, he prayed to God,
    cuddled up with his favourite robot.

  • He thinks, 'Tomorrow will be great,
    oh my goodness I can hardly wait'.
    As the little boy sleeps in his bed,
    he sees a wonderful dream inside his head.
    He sees that above a world so hateful and scorning,
    he and his robot friend are high and soaring.

In the morning he rushes to brush his teeth,
so excited he can barely stand on his feet.
As he brushes he looks in the mirror,
what he sees gives him a little shiver.
In his reflection are wings of shiny white,
which must mean that God answered his prayers right?

  • He skips breakfast and leaves in a hurry,
    not bothering to leave a note for mummy.
    He watches some birds as they flap and play,
    wonders how in the air they stay.
    Feels envy seeing them fly, but remembers,
    soon he will join them in the sky.

With his toy robot he climbs a building very tall,
reaches the top but he's not tired at all.
Closes his eyes, he can fly he knows,
he steps off the ledge and says,

"Here it goes"

The text for this was written by my girlfriend Nisha Singh. She is into make up art now. Check her blog out!

Since I went to applied art school, the curriculum of which was based mostly on advertising, we had ad campaigns and other such assignment as class work. They were not a complete waste of time I think although if I had focused completely on my drawing skills at the time , I would have been a better artist. I did do a lot of personal study though. 

Life drawing, 2009-2010.

In 2012 we moved into a smaller house and in the process of sorting things out and arranging them I had to get rid of a lot of my old work. There were at least 10 sketches books made from regular copy paper full of drawings from Bridgeman and other anatomy books, basically whatever I thought I could draw. They also had a lot of drawings from life. Although the quality of these drawings were sub par, I realize now the importance of logging and keeping a record of old work for the simple reason of comparison.

I did keep one sketchbook which had a few drawings that I did during a trip to Orissa and Kerala with my family. These drawings, although flawed in countless ways, hold an importance to me in a way that they remind me of the time they were drawn.

My influences at the time were primarily John Fernandes and Victor Ambrus. There was a certain subtlety and sensitivity in the way they drew from life that I wanted to emulate. Here are links to their work.

I spent a lot of time drawing from Ambrus's book : How to Draw Human Figure