Saturday 24 August 2013

Life drawing, 2009-2010.

In 2012 we moved into a smaller house and in the process of sorting things out and arranging them I had to get rid of a lot of my old work. There were at least 10 sketches books made from regular copy paper full of drawings from Bridgeman and other anatomy books, basically whatever I thought I could draw. They also had a lot of drawings from life. Although the quality of these drawings were sub par, I realize now the importance of logging and keeping a record of old work for the simple reason of comparison.

I did keep one sketchbook which had a few drawings that I did during a trip to Orissa and Kerala with my family. These drawings, although flawed in countless ways, hold an importance to me in a way that they remind me of the time they were drawn.

My influences at the time were primarily John Fernandes and Victor Ambrus. There was a certain subtlety and sensitivity in the way they drew from life that I wanted to emulate. Here are links to their work.

I spent a lot of time drawing from Ambrus's book : How to Draw Human Figure

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