Friday 9 August 2013

The old work problem and my work-space

For a while now I have felt the need to put work up on the internet on a regular basis. I have always found pleasure in looking through old sketchbooks (that was before I threw most of them away because of lack of space) and to see how far I have come or not or even just thinking of the time I had made the sketch and what I was thinking or doing at the time. Of course, old sketchbooks turn yellow and can take a lot of space so I feel the need of a digital log to record and look through old work and new for comparison and progress.

And that is the primary reason for this art blog.

To further illustrate why I ended up throwing away 3 years of work at applied art school (Sir J.J. Institute of Applied Art), I took some pictures of my new work-space. The work was shitty but that's not the point.

And that's basically all of my worldly possessions.

So yeah this is the little corner that I inhabit in the 1BHK apartment I share with my family of 4. Actually I do like it quite a bit in spite of the fact that moving around is almost impossible without knocking stuff down and that I have to stop work and make casual conversations with guests because well otherwise I would have to ignore them and act like I am way too involved in my episode of anime or listening to music really loud and didn't notice them come in (the door is 6 feet away).

Did I mention we have a dog as well?

She occasionally steals things she doesn't care about for attention.

Also I am obsessed with lists a little. There are a few hundred stuck and posted in my corner. Anyway, that's it for now.

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